Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Santa Paws?

Wishing all of your happy holidays! These pictures came from sketchy santas.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bone Appetite!

Here are the finished dog bowls/plates. I think they turned out absolutely beautifully! Your furry family will love to drink/eat out of these loving pieces of art.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Pet Bowls To Drool Over

Guests, (furry and human) are going to arrive soon for a paint-your-own-pet-bowl party!!!! YiPPee!!

The bowls are naked waiting to be bathed in beautiful colors.

Rowdy Scouty has the best seat in town (on Ellen's lap).

Jim, Soledad, Duane and Jan are painting away. Their creative juices are flowing.

Nikka, Soledad, Joe, Jim, Carolyn and Mason, and Brian are putting the finishing touches on their creations.

Jim is intensely painting . . . tongues?

Duane, Joe, Paco, Soledad, Mocha, Jan, Mason and Carolyn are sitting down for a little bite before the painting ensues.

Gregg (standing on the dog bed) is talking to Jan and Stan. About what??? Maybe the next dog walk (I hope).

That was so much fun! Thanks to all of you beautiful people and dogs for making this such a great night. Also, thank you for your donations to the Nikiski Animal Sanctuary. Your gifts will make the holidays easier for them! You guys rock!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Aye Carumba

While out snorkeling, when our heads came out of the water, this is who we saw! Cute and talented. I think this is something Guinness might like to try.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanks for giving...

Thanks to my friends for giving me the knowledge that there is alot more beautiful food out there to celebrate the holiday with other than turkey. Hope you all have a beautiful Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The end is near!

The littlest "guys" in our pack are Paco and Mocha. Here's pictures of the little cuties with their mom, Soledad. Don't let their little size fool you. A couple of weeks ago they were out and about in below zero weather--but not without the proper atire.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hideout Trail

Ellen and her "squeeze" Guinness posing in front of a fabulous view of Skilak Lake and the Russian River. It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon and Ellen, the dogs and I decided to get out there and enjoy the fall colors.
Hideout Trail is only 1.5 miles - but, it's straight up. It didn't take very long to hike minus a LONG break at the top with some yummy PBJ's and tea.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Venitian Dogs

Our trip to Venice Italy was surprisingly full of DOGS!!!
Off leash, on leash, inside coffee shops, sitting with their owners in piazzas . . . basically ALL OVER! We loved it and took A LOT of pics. Can't wait to share - but here's the first of many dog pictures that we took. - Amanda Motonaga
A dog waits for their owner at the
"water gate" of our palazzo.
No, Nixon wasn't there.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lost Lake, Seward AK

OK, more mountain and lake photos, but man, I'm addicted. This is why I love Alaska!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The "other" Denali

We drove the Denali Highway on Labor Day weekend. Got to see the stunning beauty of the glorious Alaska fall. Got to gorge on wild blueberries too!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Resurrection Trail - Beautiful Alaska

Solitude, beauty, fresh air.....Trout Lake, Rescurrection Trail

What a fun day just being a dog--no leash, no collar--using all senses and thinking on your own!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My two favorite guys :)

These are my two favorite guys...Duane and Guinness on a beach out of Seward early this spring - aren't they handsome????

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Snake Grass

Django and Guinness enjoyed the tall snake grass at Knik Glacier this weekend.

Sunday, August 9, 2009