Friday, September 24, 2010

Baby Sheehan

Ellen, Duane, and Ellen's parents (Ken and Dorothy)
picked up the newest member of the Sheehan family this morning.
It's a bouncing baby boy!
He is a border collie mix puppy.
Taking ALL of the big dogs and cats
at the Motonaga house in stride.
Enjoy your new and beautiful life little one.

What Is A Puppy?
What Is a Puppy?
A puppy is a fluffy bundle of joy
Who can turn any object into a toy
With four paws and a wagging tail
He will try and beat you to pick up the mail
He likes to chew on anything new
A ball, a bone or even a shoe
He loves to run and likes to be
Chasing the neighbours cat up a tree
A puppy is loveable and so cute
Even when he ruins your favourite boot
His adoring look will melt your heart
And you know from him you won’t want to part
A puppies love just grows and grows
Through all of the little highs and lows
He truly will be your best friend
A great companion to the end.
Copyright ©2007 Stella Mortazavi

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paco Mooney

Paco has a lump in his throat.
It will be biopsied next Tuesday.
Let's hope it's not a frog.
In all seriousness . . .
we love you Paco and hope you have a
safe and healthy surgery and recovery!