Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Just another husky"

Photo credit Amanda Motonaga

Amanda and I were at the shelter today to take photos of all the animals that for some reason are sentenced to staying there.  We talked about how on such a cold day they were lucky to be warm and have food and water - I'm sure there are plenty of animals in more dire circumstances.  This beautiful girl in the pic was cowering in her kennel - not wanting to come out, not interested in treats...afraid of the world.  We went in her kennel and sat down with her and talked quietly to her for a few minutes...and guess what - she let us in.  She went from a timid, cowering girl to a loving, sweet beautiful girl in a matter of minutes.  She absolutely stole my heart....I ache that I cannot have her here with me in front of the fire...enjoying her sweet company.

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